Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia - Jogja

Apply for CBC 2022

Caraka Boot Camp Final Selection Result

Almas Arafatul Musfirah

Desi Nur Cahya Kusuma Putri

Ersa Elfira Khaiya

Neng Serlin Muliawati

Rizki Dwi Wibawa


Congratulations! You will be contacted by email for further instruction on Caraka Boot Camp briefing.

PCMI   Talk #1 Extract

Extracted from PCMI Talk 1: The Importance of Personal Branding, March 12, 2022. In the age of global competitiveness, social media no longer serves purely for entertainment purposes. In this case, our speakers all agree that personal branding is a very important element especially in a professional work environment. Building a personal brand is a conscious choice that everyone has to make, especially for those who want to be noticed in the field of their work.
From the perspective of the hirer, Sylvanus and Muzakir gave their insights on what companies seesin their potential employees, how to reliably frame yourself to improve your chances, whereas Tifani showed, from a worker point of view, what is best to show the world of your capabilities.


"Applying for IKYEP was one of the best decision I've made in 2019. Its a life changing experience!"

Dilla Mahartina Pertiwi, IKYEP 2019

"It has been wonderful, challenging, eye-opening, entertaining and I will never regret anything I have done with all delegation from both countries during IMYEP."

Rico Tamara Sitompul, IMYEP 2019

"I am never so brave to step out of my league, until I realized AISEP has paved my way to deeply understand my leadership potential. You might not be a protegé, a leader or someone who is the best in the class, but your curiosity and aspirations may find its way through this amazing program in India."

Irwan Harjanto, AISEP/ASVI 2018

"AIYEP is a new chapter in life that I never want to end. It taught me a tremendous professional experience and connections with many influential people that elevated me into a better and more resourceful contributor for the future."

Rizki Ramadhanissa, AIYEP 2018

"SSEAYP has brought me to the adventure I never expected before. The unforgettable voyage that gives me new families and memories to treasure."

Fadilah Rahma Nur Ristiyanti, SSEAYP 2018

"AISEP is an exchange program like no other. I could have the opportunity to expand my networking to the broader level especially ASEAN and India. This is surely an opportunity to deepen my potentials."

Muhammad Hanzala, AISEP/ASVI 2017

"IKYEP pushes me to do a lot of things beyond my boundaries. It was short, but it gives me keys to open doors of opportunity."

Siti Bariroh Maulidyawati, IKYEP 2017

"Personally, SIYLEP was not only an exchange program. It has given me a life changing experience. All the activities enable me to explore untapped parts of me. An opportunity to discover myself in a deeper level."

Deny Rahmalianto, SIYLEP 2017

"SSEAYP is a never ending voyage. It gave me the opportunity to meet so many talented and passionate youth around JASEAN whom now I can call brother and sister."

Dyah Ayu Pratiwi, SSEAYP 2017